Is my credit card information secure?
Yes. We employ Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt all payment information that is sent through the website. All information is kept on a secure server and is protected by a firewall.
Is my connection secure?
Look at the URL of the website. If it begins with https it means the site is secure and is using an SSL certificate. Another common standard to indicate a site is secure is a closed lock icon in the browser or at the bottom of a browser. As long as the closed lock is displayed your information is secure and encrypted.
How is my information stored?
Your privacy is important to us. We handle your information in accordance with our privacy policy. Our privacy policy (“the Policy”) explains how we process the personal data that we collect or receive from the use of our software and online services, including our website, app and online booking tools (services). In circumstances where we retain your personal information through our Services, we do so as an agent of, or processor, for, those third parties. Please contact your travel expert if you need clarification about the collection of personal information via third parties.