How to add/manage personal details?
In the Personal Information section, you have the option to update a range of personal details. These include your name, email address, mobile number, address, date of birth, and preferred language. Keeping this information current ensures effective communication and smooth travel arrangements.
To add/manage personal details...
- Navigate to your profile page or the profile page of a traveller you want to modify.
- Expand the Account section to update Personal information, as shown in the following screenshot...
- Click the Manage avatar link to update the profile image.
You will be directed to an external website in a new tab. Zeno uses Gravatar (Globally Recognized Avatar) for managing avatar images. Gravatar is a free service that associates an avatar image with an email address. Your Zeno profiles will now link off to the Gravatar website and allow you to manage your avatars directly therein. Refer to Gravatar Support for more details.
- Click the EDIT link in the Personal information section to make changes to personal details.
- Click Save.
How can I add/manage corporate details and custom fields?
The Custom Field section is designed for your organisation to manage additional information. Here, you can add the Known Traveler Number (KTN) and Redress Number, important for North American travel security. You can also set your Default Departure City to streamline travel planning according to your usual preferences.
You can only manage information in the Custom Field section if the Custom Fields have been configured to be editable and if travellers are allowed to modify them. Please contact your travel expert if you do not see the Edit link and wish to make modifications.
To add/manage corporate details and custom fields...
- Navigate to your profile page or the profile page of a traveller you want to modify.
- Expand the Account section to update the Corporate Details and Custom fields.
- Click the EDIT link in the Custom fields section to make changes to corporate details and custom fields.
- Click Save.