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How to Book a Eurostar Ticket?
Setup - Select departure city, airport or train station
If one or more active air policies with a ‘Eurostar’ condition, exist anywhere within the entire corporate structure for a Corporate Customer - the ‘Suggest options for’ will display, a dual ‘plane/train’ icon (as shown below). If there are no active air polices with a Eurostar condition, within the corporate structure the ‘plane’ icon will be displayed.
- On the Setup page, select a departure city, airport or train station,
- If a city is selected, the Recommended Itinerary page will display flight and train services/fares.
- If a station is selected, the Recommended Itinerary page will display train services/fares only.
Recommended Itinerary
Fare Option Cards
Where the itinerary returned has a combination of Air/Rail and/or Sector/Return fares the Fare Options cards will be displayed.
The Fare Option cards provide a quick way to compare fares. Zeno will recommend the cheapest Fare Option and automatically select the Fare Option card that represents this. The value displayed on the Fare Options card is for the return trip which may be made up of two one-way fares or a return fare.
The selected Fare Option card, indicated by the blue ribbon across the top of the card determines the fares that are displayed in the Shortlist on the detailed itinerary card.
In the above example, 'All return fares' has been selected so the Shortlist will display both air and rail.
In the example below, 'Return train fares' is selected so the Shortlist will only display rail.
Fare Display options
As with the Fare Option cards described above - the Fare Display option can be used to define the fares displayed. The selection made from the list will determine the fares displayed.
This will be helpful when you are looking at fares further down the itinerary so you won't need to scroll back to the top of the page to select from the Fare Option cards.
Summary Panel - Service Attributes
The service attributes that are displayed for flights, as shown below, are not displayed for rail. The service attributes are sourced from Routehappy who do not provide this information for rail.
Detail Panel - On-time Statistics
The ‘on time’ information that is sometimes displayed for flights will not be available for rail. This information is provided by ‘Flight Stats, and they do not currently provide this information for trains.
Fare Details - Rich Content
The detailed content available for flights, as illustrated below (excluding baggage allowance), is not available for rail services.
This detailed content is sourced from a third party, who, unfortunately, does not provide this information for rail.
The baggage allowance associated with each train service is made available to passengers as some providers provide this information.
If the Traveller possesses a Eurostar membership linked to their profile, this membership will be automatically set as the default option whenever a Eurostar service is chosen. This streamlined process ensures that members can quickly and easily benefit from their membership perks without the need for additional steps.
Alternatively, if a Traveller does not have a Eurostar membership already associated with their profile, they have the option to add one during the booking process on the Recommended Itinerary page.
At this moment, it is not feasible to include any additional services or features when booking your Eurostar tickets. This means that options such as selecting a specific seat, adding extra baggage to your allowance, or requesting a special meal tailored to your dietary needs are not available.
The screenshot below showcases the layout of the ‘Extras’ page specifically for a ‘train’ sector, presented in an expanded view. This visual representation highlights the current unavailability of these options, allowing you to better understand the booking process and what to expect when planning your Eurostar travel.
Payment Details
The form of payment configured for ‘air’ will be used for ‘rail.
Where the Corporate is configured to allow a credit card to be manually added during the booking process; this will also apply to rail.
Where the Corporate is configured to allow the Traveller/Travel Arranger to select their preferred payment, in the instance where multiple payments are available for selection; this will also apply to rail.