Creating a booking as a draft provides the ability to complete the booking at a later time, within the specified expiry period. There can be instances where you need to modify/change your original draft booking.
Your company travel policy will determine whether you have access to draft bookings you created OR draft bookings for all your travellers.
How to Modify a Draft Booking?
To modify a draft booking...
- On the Booking widget, select the DRAFT tab.
If the required Draft booking is not displayed, select VIEW ALL to go to the Booking List and select the DRAFT tab for a full list of draft bookings.
- Click the RESUME link for a draft booking you want to modify. The Confirm page for the selected draft booking will be displayed,
- When creating a draft booking, the inventory put on hold has limited availability; therefore, there are high chances of certain sectors being sold out when the traveller/travel arranger resumes a draft booking. Click the REFRESH ITINERARY button to search for items again in the itinerary to avoid any sold-out messaging for a sector. The Recommended Itinerary page will be displayed.
Use the breadcrumbs at the top of the page to navigate back to the Itinerary page and make any necessary updates to your itinerary.
- Once the changes have been made, you may choose to save the booking as a draft again OR click the BOOK button to complete the booking.
There is no limit to the number of times a booking can be saved as a draft.