Note |
Where multiple travellers are on the one booking it is not currently possible to have a different baggage allowance for each traveller. The baggage allowance selected will be applied to all travellers. |
How to Add Bags to a Booking?
To add bags for a booking...
- Click anywhere on the Bags row for the required flight, as shown in the following screenshot...
- Select the radio button for the extra baggage allowance required, as shown in the following screenshot...
Or select an option from the Checked baggage drop-down list, as shown in the following screenshot...
- Click Save.
The additional baggage allowance is reflected on the Bags row of the flight card, along with the cost, as shown in the following screenshot...
To change the additional baggage allowance, click anywhere on the Bags row.
How do I view luggage allowance for a flight that I have booked?
After you have completed a booking, you can view the luggage allowance for your flight on the Booking Details page of your itinerary.
It is important to note that on the Booking Details page, you will only find information pertaining to the number of pieces of luggage that are permitted for your journey. Unfortunately, Zeno does not provide any details regarding the weight limitations for your luggage. It is advisable to visit the official website of the airline you are flying with. This will ensure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the weight restrictions applicable to your baggage. Alternatively, you may also consider reaching out to your travel expert for assistance.