Select Travel Components
The travel components available for selection are based on your company's travel program.
By default, the first booking for a Traveller will have all travel components selected.
Zeno will save the travel components selected for the traveller and these will be automatically selected for the traveller's next booking.
If Transfers have not been activated for the Corporate, the Transfer icon will not be displayed. Likewise, if the corporate does not have an air, car or hotel policy, the respective icons will not be displayed.
Remove a Travel Component
To remove a component not required for the booking, click the X for a respective component. The component is greyed out to indicate the component is not required.
Add a Travel Component
To add a travel component, click the respective component. The component will change colour to indicate the component is required for the itinerary.
- When a booking is made for multiple travellers, Zeno will automatically select the travel components based on the last booking made for the lead traveller. The lead traveller is determined in alphabetical order by using the full name, including the title.
- When a booking is being made for a guest traveller only, all available travel options will be selected.
Select Cities, Dates and Times for Flights
Where the Traveller linked to the booking has a Default Departure City stored in their profile, the Departure city will default.
If the Departure City does not default, start typing the name of the city required and select from the list.
Over time the top five cities the traveller has travelled to will be displayed, so you may not even have to search for the city you are looking for.
The cities are not restricted based on your company's travel program. If you select a city that cannot be booked online, Zeno will prompt you to contact your Travel Expert.
The calendar will appear automatically to select the required date.
By default, the Calendar will display as Monday - Sunday. The exception to this is where the Browser Language is set to (US) English or (Canada) English, and the calendar will display as Sunday - Saturday.
The time selection panel will appear automatically. There are the following options for selecting a time...
- Predefined time (as shown below)
- Anytime
- Choose a specific time
- Anytime - Select this option to request flights for all day (12:00 am through to 11:59 pm). This is a good option to select where there are limited flights to a destination and you are not sure exactly what times flights are scheduled for. Refer to Recommended Flight with Anytime Search Option Logic on the Recommended Itinerary - Flights for details.
- Choose - Select this option to request flights for a particular time frame. Move the slider across to select a specific time.
Where the origin and destination cities (also referred to as departure and arrival cities) for a flight fall into one of the categories listed below, the option to select 'Anytime', when specifying search criteria for flights**, will be removed...
- Both origin and destination are within the USA
- Both origin and destination are within Canada
- Origin and destination are within either the USA or Canada
**Search criteria for flights can be entered on both the Setup and Itinerary pages.
Once the city, date and time details have been selected, your departing itinerary card is created, and the returning, or onward travel, card is ready for completion.
- Click Going Home? as a quick way to return to the same city as the itinerary is starting from, or search and select the next city for onward travel as required.
- Select the date and time as described above.
- Repeat as required until all the flight sectors are complete.
Now that your flight details are complete, if you are flying into and out of the same cities - will automatically create the other selected travel components hotel based on the flight cities, dates and times. The following logic applies...
- Transfers - Will default to use the home address linked to the Traveller Profile. If no home address is available, the office address will be used. If neither a home or office address can be used, the Transfer card will need to be manually added. Refer to Manually adding components for details.
- Rental Cards - Will default to pick up / drop off from the airport based on flight times.
Stay - Will default to search as follows...
- No office locations in the city = default to CBD
- One office location in the city = default to that office location
- More than one office location in the city = default to office location whose description comes first alphabetically
By default, Zeno will search within the specified radius of the CBD. To change the default search, click Edit.
Where there is more than one office location, to change the default, click Edit and select a different office location from the Select Office drop-down menu.
Manually Add Components to the Itinerary
We know travel is not always straightforward. For example...
- You may need to fly into one city and then out of a different city; OR
- You may need to pick up and drop off your rental car in different locations; OR
- You may fly into /out of the same city, but your hotel is in a different location
This is when you will need to manually add components to your itinerary.
Where the itinerary is flying into one city and out of a different city, Zeno does not automatically create the hotel and car segments, despite being a selected travel component. This is because Zeno does not know which city you want the hotel or where you want to pick up and drop off the car - so in this instance you will need to manually add these components to the itinerary.
To manually add components to an itinerary...
- Select the Add icon.
- Select the travel component you want to add to the itinerary.
The component is added to the itinerary, ready for you to complete the travel requirements.
TipWhen manually adding hotels, Zeno will default to search the 'CBD' - this can be amended by selecting the Edit link.
Follow the prompts on the screen to complete the details for the travel component.
Remove Components from an Itinerary
To remove a component from an itinerary...
- Select the Remove link next to a component you want to remove,
- The selected component is removed from the itinerary and a notification is displayed at the bottom of the application.
Click the UNDO link to revert your changes.
If transfers are selected for the itinerary, and the rental car is removed, Zeno will automatically insert a Transfer card. The logic is that the Traveller will still need a way to get to/from the airport to/from the hotel.
Edit Components in an Itinerary
To edit a component in an itinerary...
- Select the Edit link next to the component you want to edit.
- Click in the field that requires editing, make the necessary updates and click the Apply button.
Duplicate Booking Warning
Where the dates for the itinerary overlap with an existing booking, a warning will be displayed.
You can click the DISCARD ITINERARY button to return to the Dashboard or click the CONTINUE TO ITINERARY button to complete the booking.