How to search for a Traveller?
To search for a traveller...
- Enter a traveller's name (first or surname) or email address to search for the Traveller. Zeno will display matching profiles for you to select from,
Where no match is found, the Add Guest Traveller button is displayed. Refer to add a Guest Traveller.
Deactivated Profiles
When a profile has been deactivated, it will no longer appear in the selection list. This means that users will not be able to view or choose that particular profile when accessing the relevant options or features.
Locked Out Profiles
If a Traveller has attempted to log in with the incorrect user ID and password more than three times and their profile is subsequently locked out - a Travel Arranger can still select the 'locked out profile' in the normal manner.
No access to a Profile
In instances where a travel arranger inputs a traveller's name into the system but does not receive any profiles in the resulting list, they may proceed to add the traveller as a guest traveller. However, if it later emerges that a profile for that traveller does indeed exist, yet the travel arranger does not have the necessary permissions to access that profile, Zeno will display a message to inform the travel arranger of this situation.