For International Travel it is mandatory to include the Date of Birth for all Travellers.
In the current pandemic situation, the requirement to trace travellers has become important. Airlines need to be able to provide data to government contact tracing systems when required. Capturing such information during the booking process is therefore required to comply with specific government legislation (Australia’s National Cabinet has directed airlines to collect passenger information for contact tracing on a mandatory basis). During the booking process, the following information will be captured on the confirm screen (if not available from the profile) …
- Mobile phone
's mobile validation logic ensures only valid mobile information is entered. A valid phone number format is as follows +[country code] [mobile number]; for example, +642xxxxxxxx and +612xxxxxxxx.
- Email address
- Postcode and country code
The user will be prompted to add any missing information.
How to View Traveller Details?
To view traveller details...
- Click anywhere in the Traveller details row to expand the Traveller details panel.
The Traveller details are displayed.
How to add Date of Birth
To add the date of birth...
- Click anywhere on the Traveller row to expand the Traveller details panel.
- Click the Edit date of birth link.
- Enter the date of birth and click SAVE. The date of birth will be saved to the Traveller Profile for future use.
How to Add Mobile Phone Details?
API Air bookings mandate that a valid mobile phone number MUST be passed through to the airline so that an airline can contact the traveller in case of a cancellation. A valid phone number format in is as follows +
[country code] [mobile number]
; for example, +642xxxxxxxx and +612xxxxxxxx. Where a Traveller Profile or Guest Traveller does not have mobile phone details, a warning message is displayed.
To add mobile phone number...
- Click the Enter now link in the error message or expand the Traveller details and click the Enter mobile number link to display the Enter mobile phone number dialog.
Complete the following...
- Select a region from the Globe drop-down list.
- Enter a valid number in the Mobile number field.
- Click the OK link.
For profile travellers, the mobile phone number will be saved back to their profile for future use (unless overwritten by a 3rd party profile management system). If you use a profile management system to send profile data to Zeno, we recommend that correctly formatted mobile numbers are captured in the profile to avoid travellers needing to adjust in Zeno.
- Select a region from the Globe drop-down list.
How to Edit Mobile Phone Details?
API Air bookings mandate that a valid mobile phone number MUST be passed through to the airline so that an airline can contact the traveller in case of a cancellation. A valid phone number format in is as follows +
[country code] [mobile number]
; for example, +642xxxxxxxx and +612xxxxxxxx. Where a Profile does have mobile phone details, but the format of the mobile number is incorrect, a warning message is displayed.
To edit mobile phone number...
- Click the Edit link in the error message or expand the Traveller details and click the Edit mobile number link to display the Enter mobile phone number dialog.
Complete the following...
- Select a region from the Globe drop-down list.
- Enter a valid number in the Mobile number field.
- Click the OK link.
- Select a region from the Globe drop-down list.
For profile travellers, the mobile phone number will be saved back to their profile for future use (unless overwritten by a 3rd party profile management system). If you use a profile management system to send profile data to Zeno, we recommend that correctly formatted mobile numbers are captured in the profile to avoid travellers needing to adjust in Zeno.
How to Add Passport Details?
Where a Traveller Profile or Guest Traveller does not have passport details, for an International booking, a warning message is displayed.
To add passport details...
- Click anywhere on the Traveller details row to expand the panel.
- Click the Edit link in the passports row.
- Click the ADD A PASSPORT link.
- On the Add a passport dialog, complete all the Required fields and click the SAVE link.
Tip To select a date in a different year click on the Year in the Calendar. This will provide a list of years to select from.
To select a date in the current year, use the arrows on either side of the month.
Passport details are saved to the Traveller Profile for future use.
If the traveller has more than one passport, click the ADD A PASSPORT link to add another passport.
How to Select a Passport for the Booking?
Some countries allow their citizens to hold multiple passports. Where there are multiple passports stored for a Traveller Profile, one must be selected at the time of booking. By default, a passport is already selected but the user can choose which passport they want to use for their travel.
To select a passport...
- Click anywhere on the Traveller row to expand the Traveller details
- Click the Edit link.
- Select the radio button for the passport you want to use for the booking.
- Click the SAVE link.
How to Edit Passport Details?
To edit passport details...
- Click anywhere on the Traveller row to expand the Traveller details
- Click the Edit link.
- Click the Edit icon
for the passport you want to edit.
- On the Edit a passport dialog, update the Required fields and click the Save link.
How to Remove a Passport?
To remove a passport...
- Click anywhere on the Traveller row to expand the Traveller details
- Click the Edit link.
- Click the Remove icon
for the passport you want to delete. A confirmation message is displayed.
- Click the DELETE PASSPORT link to delete the passport.