Recommended Itinerary Page Components
The recommended itinerary page is divided into four panes.
Top Navigation
The top navigation pane displays links back to each previous page the user navigated through,
- Click the Setup link to return to the Setup page.
- Click the Guide Me button to view a Guided Tour relevant to the page. You can step through the tour by clicking the Next button displayed in the corner of each callout. Refer to Guided Tours for more details.
Bottom Navigation
The bottom navigation pane displays options.
- Discard Itinerary - Click to discard the itinerary and start a new one.
- Continue to Extras - Click to personalise your travel options such as, selecting seats, purchasing additional baggage, adding a meal request, etc.
- Express Checkout - Click to display the Confirm page.
Itinerary Summary
The itinerary summary displays an overview of the booking,
- Click the Hide icon to hide the summary.
- Click the Display icon to display the summary.
- Click on the icons to quickly navigate to the corresponding itinerary card in the detailed pane.
- To scroll through the itinerary summary, place the mouse anywhere in the itinerary summary and use the scroll wheel on the mouse to scroll up and down.
- Click the Expand icon next to Trip total to view the cost summary,
- When you select the OK button on the itinerary card, this will update the circular icon with a check to indicate the sector is complete,
This can be handy if you want to use the itinerary summary as a type of check list for the itinerary.
For flights, the summary panel displays additional information for a favourable booking experience,
The following details are displayed...
- Departure and arrival city with the total cost of flight for that part of the itinerary.
- If applicable next to the departure and arrival time when total flight duration spans multiple days, these are indicated with a '+' next to the time; for example, +1 is one day, +2 two days.
- Fare type with class; for example, Classic (K), Seat and Bag (X).
- Number of stops (layover); for example, 1 stop.
- When you hover over the stops, a tooltip is displayed with the three-letter city code for the layover city; for example, AKL.
- Expand the number of stops drop-down to view the following layover details.
- Full carrier name with flight number; for example, Air New Zealand NZ176.
- Layover details such as total layover time and layover city; for example, 3h 0m Layover in Auckland.
- Transfer details if the connecting flight is from a different airport; for example, Transfer from LCY to LHR.
- Click the Express checkout link to skip the Extras page and go straight to the Confirmation page.
Tip Express Checkout will always be displayed in the Trip Summary; so you don’t need to scroll to the bottom of the page to select Skip Extras.
Detailed Itinerary
The detailed itinerary pane is made up of a series of Itinerary Cards displayed in date order,
Each card is made up as follows...
- A header that provides a description of the travel component, access to different views, the option to delete, and the search criteria as entered on the Setup page.
- A short-list of preferred suppliers (if no preferred suppliers are available, then the short-list will include non-preferred suppliers).
- A summary of the travel component.
- Fare / Rate information.
- Additional detail of the travel component.
By default, when you first land on the Recommended itinerary page all cards will be in the Suggested View. You can select an alternative view for each card as required, by selecting your preferred view from the header,
Zeno will remember your preferred view, for the next time you make a booking.
Click the Expand icon to expand panels in a card.
Click the Collapse icon to collapse panels in a card.
The links below provide detailed information about each travel type.