Booking a flight in Zeno is simple and hassle-free. Whether it's a standard booking or an advanced international booking (multi-stop international booking), enter your departure and arrival cities, along with the dates and times. Zeno will suggest flights based on your historical travel behaviour and corporate policy rules.
Important Note
If you encounter any errors or experience difficulties during the booking process, if you face any booking failures, or are unable to submit a booking, we encourage you to reach out to your Travel Expert for assistance. They have the expertise to help you overcome any challenges.
How do I Book a Flight?
To complete a standard booking or an advanced international booking...
- Click the New Booking button or click the Bookings link in the left menu and select Create new booking from the drop-down list.
- On the Setup page, search for and select a traveller from the list of travellers, and click the Apply button.
Tip If a traveller profile is not found, the Add Guest Traveller button is displayed. -
Build your itinerary by choosing your departure and arrival cities, along with the dates and times.
Tip If required, select a Cost Centre or a Policy. Refer to Select a Cost Centre and Select a Policy articles for more details. Note If multi-stop has been enabled, you can now search up to 6 sectors on the Setup page. - Select the CONTINUE TO ITINERARY button. Zeno will prepare a Recommended Itinerary based on the information entered on the Setup page.
- From the Recommended Itinerary page, select flights from the options displayed. Refer to Recommended Itinerary for Flights for more information.
Note - (Multi-stop international flights/advanced international bookings) - To ensure that each flight sector is combinable with their previous selection, the multi-stop workflow asks the traveller/travel arranger to select each flight sector one at a time in the departure date order. Once each flight and fare are selected, select the NEXT button to proceed to select the next flight in the journey. Zeno will then display valid flight sectors for their ongoing journey.
- Throughout the multi-stop workflow in Zeno, a traveller/travel arranger is presented with the total cost of their journey. The prices displayed are per person in the event a multi-pax booking is shopped.
If you select a non-combinable fare, the Change your selection section is displayed where a fare that is combinable within a cabin class is selected, and you will not be able to proceed with your booking until a valid combinable fare has been selected.
- On the Confirm page, complete the following information...
- Ensure the traveller and itinerary details are correct and payment details are completed.
- Complete the Special Requests and Additional Info section to provide any further details if required.
- Expand the Terms and Conditions panel, read the rules for a travel component, and select the I understand and accept all the rules and conditions checkbox.
- Click the Book button to complete your booking. You can view details of your booking on the Booking details page.