If you encounter any errors or experience difficulties during the booking process, if you face any booking failures, or are unable to submit a booking, we encourage you to reach out to your Travel Expert for assistance. They have the expertise to help you overcome any challenges.
The Booking process is a four-step process as follows...
- Setup - Setup your booking by selecting your itinerary requirements
- Itinerary - Use Zeno's recommendations or select alternatives to create the itinerary
- Extra's - Select seats, meals or other ancillary services
- Confirm - Confirm the details and payment of the booking and complete any Corporate Compliance requirements
Initiating a Booking
To start the booking process, you have several easy options available. You can simply begin a booking directly from the Dashboard, which is your main hub for managing different tasks. Alternatively, you can use the left navigation panel, where you'll find a variety of tools and features to help make your booking experience smoother. Additionally, you can also book through IBI, offering you another straightforward way to secure your reservations. Each of these options is designed to help you make your bookings quickly and easily.
From the Widget Section
- Click the NEW BOOKING button.
From the Side Navigation Menu
- Click the Bookings link and select Create new booking from the drop-down list,
From Inbound Booking Integration (IBI)
- Where a Corporate has IBI and Zeno activated, upon submitting the form containing booking data, the Zeno booking process will be initiated.
- Where a Corporate has IBI activated, but Zeno is not activated, upon submitting the form containing booking data, the Classic booking process will be initiated.
Creating a Booking
In Zeno, users can explore a variety of options for creating a new booking. The choice you make will largely depend on your specific travel needs and personal preferences. You have the flexibility to either...